How Long Does Pipe Relining Last?

If you are in need of plumbing services, then you may be wondering how long pipe lining lasts. This is a great question, as pipe lining can be a great way to fix your plumbing problems without having to replace your entire system.

In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of pipe relining and how long it usually lasts. We will also provide some tips on how to prolong the life of your relined pipes. So, if you are curious about pipe relining, keep reading!

What Is Pipe Relining?

Pipe relining is a process of repairing pipes without having to replace the entire pipe. Before relining a pipe, hydro jetting is used to clean the inside of the pipe and prepare it for a new liner. Once the pipe is clean, a CCTV camera is inserted to inspect the pipe and determine the best course of action.

After the CCTV inspection, a new liner is inserted into the pipe. To create a new pipe within the old one, the liner is inflated and epoxy resin is applied and left to cure. Once it cures, the new liner becomes hard and creates a new inner surface for the pipe.

Pipe relining is a great option for those who want to avoid major excavation work. It is also less disruptive than replacing an entire pipe, as it can be done through small access points. It is also less expensive than traditional methods of pipe repair.

How Long Does Pipe Relining Last
Water pipes underneath the house in the ground disrupted by tree roots

How Does Pipe Relining Fix the Damaged Pipe

Pipe relining can repair broken pipes, leaks, cracks, and root intrusions. The epoxy resin used in relining pipes creates a durable new pipe within the damaged pipe, therefore fixing the problem.

Pipe relining also gives the pipe a smooth inner surface, which allows water to flow more freely and reduces the risk of clogs. This is because there is no longer any build-up on the inside of the pipe that can cause blockages.

What Are the Benefits of Pipe Relining?

One of the main benefits of pipe relining is that it is less disruptive than replacing an entire pipe. This means you won’t have to dig up your yard to access your sewer pipes.

The sewer pipe relining process is much faster than traditional pipe replacement, which means your plumbing will be back to normal in no time.

Pipe relining methods are also more durable than traditional pipe replacement methods. The new liner that is installed during the pipe relining process creates a brand-new inner surface for the damaged pipe that will last for decades.

Pipelining methods are also less expensive than traditional pipe replacement methods. This is because pipe relining can be done without having to replace the entire pipe.

How Long Can Pipe Lining Last?

The relined pipes can last for up to 50 years with regular maintenance. That is more than a typical life expectancy of a pipe system! Additionally, the internal pipe coating will prevent tree roots from growing into your pipes and causing damage.

It’s important to note that pipe relining is not a guarantee that your pipes will never break or leak again. However, pipe relining services will reduce the chance of your pipes breaking or leaking in the future.

How Long Does Pipe Relining Last 
water pipes in the ground

What Factors Affect the Longevity of Relined Pipes?

Even though pipelining can last up to 50 years, there are still some things you can do to prolong the life of your relined pipes. One way to do this is by having your pipes regularly inspected.

Another way to prolong the life of your relined pipes is by avoiding things that can damage them. This includes using chemicals that can eat away at the liner, and exposing them to excessive amounts of heat or cold.

You should also avoid flushing anything down your toilet that doesn’t belong there, as this can clog or damage your pipes.

Closing on How How Long Does Pipe Relining Last

Pipe relining is a great option for those who want to repair their pipes without having to replace the entire pipe. It is less disruptive than replacing an entire pipe and can last up to 50 years with regular maintenance.

If you think pipe relining is the right option for you, contact a local plumbing professional to get started.

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